There were two sisters who went to Chapters and came across a beautiful package of scrapbook papers on the cheap...
Which lead to a continued paper obsession and/or addiction on both their parts...
Which in turn lead to the statement: "We've got to do something with all this paper."
And they sat down and made cards together...
And then they reached the point where they had cards coming out of their ears, and no idea what to do with them...
So "Crafty Sisters" was born as a way to advertise and sell said cards.
But then older sister came across an amazing card idea, and decided to devote the site to one, unique, specifically crafted-by-us card type, which younger sister quickly agreed was the most awesome idea EVER!!
And then life got in the way (what with the summer being gorgeous and both of us having children to tend to and little time for our own persuits), and so "Crafty Sisters" has been sitting here collecting dust...
Who knows if or when it will take off, but I'm bored, and kinda wanted to document how this whole thing got put together!!
So that's that...
We need to get crafty again:) I showed Mom-in-Law the cards and she LOVED the concept. I got as far as the folding, but fell short when it came for decorating, stamping and jazzing-up said cards:( We'll get back to it, don't you worry!
ReplyDeleteOkay, the "one card" idea bombed, but I like our new idea better!!